Massages in various methods and movement classes, to promote health, treat orthopedic problems and allow you a better rest, rejuvenation and general vitality of body and mind.
Call: 058-5551662 for details and to make an appointment.
Massages in various methods and movement classes, to promote health, treat orthopedic problems and allow you a better rest, rejuvenation and general vitality of body and mind.
Call: 058-5551662 for details and to make an appointment.
A treatment for a variety of pains, from joints to bruises, tendon and muscle pulls, or just tight muscle.
The tape is improving blood and fluids to the area, and has more benefits and influences on the body.
Tape is chemically neutral to the skin, even most sensitive skin might accept it without problem.
Tape is water resistant and is left on for several days through showers etc, so its good influence on the pain or injury is continuous and promotes deeper and faster healing in some cases.
Not everyone who tried enjoyed it the same, but some of my patients find it really great for chronic pains or for reliefing pains of blood vessels of legs, headaches and more.
Ask me! +972585551662