Anti Aging

מעיין Thu, 09/17/2015 - 09:45

The signs of aging are in facial expressions, posture, colour and texture of our skin, in the muscle tone and many more little hints.

A massage allows us to relax, trust and accept our body the way it is, at the same moment. To be non judgemental, not craving, not scared, and just let ourselves reimmerse in life. Because after all, that is the main point: our bodies are built to correct and fix themselves, not just according to age but also according to our sorounding, only with all the distractions we provide to it, sometimes it stays a bit behind schedule..

Swedish massage, along with some other massage styles are known to be amongst the strongest rejuvinating ___ . Specificaly Swedis Massage, at which we work on the body from head to feet and cover almost every area with healthy massage oils that nurish the skin, while the massage wakes up the skin, muscle and blood stream from within.

Some points that can be mentioned are:

  1. Flexibility and beauty to the skin, a massage is more than just applying a moisturising cream.
  2. Stimulating the blood flow, near the skin and also in areas which usually get less free flow, like inside a pulled muscle.
  3. Adds health to joints, ligaments and tendons, and restores our flexible young posture after a long day of sitting at the office, standing or driving.
  4. Adds health to internal organs (a belly massage is sometimes included in the sequence).
  5. Balancing and improving lympatic system activity by improving flow and helping releas toxins from the massaged tissues.
  6. A great opportunity to give our mind a long, relaxed rest - a smile and a relaxed experrion always looks younger.
  7. Make us more conscious of changes and maybe problems in our body, keeps us in touch with whats going on with it.
  8. "A healing touch" - a massage stimulates receptors in the skin that brings forth a state of comfort and acceptance.