Massages in various methods and movement classes, to promote health, treat orthopedic problems and allow you a better rest, rejuvenation and general vitality of body and mind.
Call: 058-5551662 for details and to make an appointment.
Massages in various methods and movement classes, to promote health, treat orthopedic problems and allow you a better rest, rejuvenation and general vitality of body and mind.
Call: 058-5551662 for details and to make an appointment.
Sometimes, after a deep tissue massage the patient wakes up in pain.
This can be caused by one or more of the following reasons:
The body tissues that have received blood and lymphatic fluids after a long time with irregular or no flow at all, start cleansing and emit toxins and other materials they have accumulated over time. This reaction, sometimes called Healing Crisis when its really intense, is stronger in heavy smokers, those who consume a lot of coffee or alcohol, and people who live in a heavily polluted area.
Some nerve or nerves that have become inactive due to a direct pressure of a tight muscle, irregular blood flow or constant pain stimulation that has numbed it, start functioning again.. more common as occupational disease, like hip pains, carpal tunnel or lower back pains that are caused by aggressively repetitive use or staying in same position for long hours without taking breaks.
Muscles or tendons that have been stretch way beyond their regular range. More common for very rigid areas, like legs for people who sit in chairs most of the day for many years, and don't stretch enough.
Psychological reaction: sometimes a physical experience stimulates a strong mental or emotional reaction, bringing out things that we haven't noticed or have not had time to deal with. It can be something in direct connection to a body part, or a general mental state that has been manifested in our body and posture. For example, a migraine that is physically a result of neck and shoulder being tight and rigid, but really that originates in some psychological perception of our place in society, problems with parents or family, etc.
What to do?
First, the pain is an indicator that "Something has happened" in the treatment, that our body was unprepared for. So we should be prepared for the possibility of it, and if it appears examine it: if it feels like a natural stretch and subsides gradually over a day or two, we should regard it as a good though a bit overwhelming, and accept it as beneficial. That said, what to do further should be considered specifically for each case.
And at any situation, if you feel you experience anything you are seriously uncomfortable with, let me know, and in doubt consult a doctor.
{finish translating from hebrew}